Plastering East London

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Plastering Terms

Here is a list of plastering terms we use that you might find helpful. Please feel free to give us a call and ask us to clarify any terms we have used.

Bonding Plaster

This is the first coat plaster used on low suction walls such as concrete, blockes, concrete, cement board and plasterboad. We would always treat the surface with a PVA solution prior to bonding out the wall.

Browning Plaster

This is similar to bonding plaster as its a first coat but should be used on medium suction walls this is mainly used on housing bricks and building blocks.

Hardwall Plaster

This is an undercoat plaster with a quicker drying time and a strong impact resistance.


Unibond that which the plaster us to prepare walls or ceiling for helping the plaster to stick

Skim OR Set

The finish coat to any base plastering or plasterboard

Skim bead

Eedge bead that use to all external sharp and clean edge.


A finishing plaster that can be use on most base coat plaster and plasterboard

Adhesive scrim

Tape that use to put over joints, cracks and join plasterboard edges


The applying of cement and sand to brick or block walls


The applying of bonding or hardwall plaster to internal block or brick walls.

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